Perception, Movement, Action Banner University of Edinburgh



Fundamental Actions Papers



Benoît Bardy

  • Bardy, B. G., Oullier, O., Lagarde, J., & Stoffregen, T. A. (2007). On perturbation and pattern co-existence in postural coordination dynamics. Journal of Motor Behavior, 39, 326-334.
  • Bardy, B. G., Oullier, O., Bootsma, R.J., & Stoffregen, T.A. (2002). The dynamics of human postural transitions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 28, 499-514.
  • Bardy, B. G., Marin, L., Stoffregen, T.A., & Bootsma, R.J. (1999). Postural coordination modes considered as emergent phenomena. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 25, 1284-1301.

Alain Berthoz

  • Hicheur, H., Terekhov, A.V. & Berthoz, A. (2006). Intersegmental coordination during human locomotion: does planar covariation of elevation angles reflect central constraints? J.Neurophysiol  96(3): 1406-1419.
  • McIntyre, J., Zago, M., Berthoz, A. & Lacquaniti, F. (2001). Does the brain model Newton 's laws? Nature Neuroscience 4:693-694.
  • R., Israel, I., & Berthoz, A. (1997). The contribution of otoliths and semicircular canals to the perception of two-dimensional passive whole-body motion in humans. J.Physiol. 502:223-233.
  • Petit, L., Orssaud, C., Tzourio, N., Crivello, F., Berthoz, A. & Mazoyer, B. (1996). Functional anatomy of a prelearned sequence of horizontal saccades in man. J. Neurosci . 16: 3714-3725.
  • Berthoz A, Israël I, Georges-François P, Grasso R & Tsuzuku T. (1995). Spatial memory of body linear displacement: what is being stored? Science. 269: 95-98.
  • Yoshida, K., McCrea, R.A., Berthoz, A. & Vidal, P.P. (1982). Morphological and physiological characteristics of inhibitory burst neurons controlling horizontal rapid eye movements. J.Neurophysiol. 48: 761-784.

Martin Collinson

  • Leiper LJ, Ou J, Walczysko P, Kucerova R, Lavery DN, West JD, Collinson JM. 2009 Control of patterns of corneal innervation by Pax6. Invest Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 50: 1122-1128.
  • Ou, J., Walczysko, P., Kucerova, R., Rajnicek, A. M., McCaig, C. D., Zhao, M. & Collinson, J. M. 2008. Chronic wound state exacerbated by oxidative stress in Pax6+/- aniridia-related keratopathy.  J. Pathol. 215: 421–430.
  • Dorà, N., Ou J., Kucerova, R., Parisi, I., West, J. D. & Collinson, J. M. 2008. PAX6 dosage effects on corneal development, growth and wound healing. Dev. Dyn  237,1295–1306.
  • Kucerova, R., Ou, J., Lawson, D., Leiper, L. & Collinson, J. M. 2006. Cell surface glycoconjugate abnormalities and corneal epithelial wound healing in the Pax6+/- mouse model of aniridia-related keratopathy. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 47, 5276-5282.
  • Leiper, L. J., Walczysko, P., Kucerova, R., Ou., J., Shanley, L. J., Lawson, D., Forrester, J. V., McCaig, C. D., Zhao, M. & Collinson, J. M. 2006. The roles of calcium signaling and ERK1/2 phosphorylation in a Pax6+/- mouse model of epithelial wound-healing delay. BMC Biol. 4:27.
  • Collinson, J. M., Chanas, S. A., Hill, R. E. and West, J. D. (2004). Corneal development, limbal stem cell function and corneal epithelial cell migration in the Pax6+/- mouse. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 45, 1101-1108.
  • Talamillo, A. Quinn, J. C., Collinson, J. M., Carić, D., Price, D. J., West, J. D. and Hill, R. E. 2003. Pax6 regulates regional development and neuronal migration in the cerebral cortex. Dev. Biol. 255, 151-163.
  • Collinson, J. M., Morris, L., Reid, A. I., Ramaesh, T., Keighren, M. A., Flockhart, J. H., Hill, R. E., Tan, S.-S., Ramaesh, K., Dhillon, B. and West, J. D. (2002). Clonal analysis of patterns of growth, stem cell activity and cell movement during the development and maintenance of the murine corneal epithelium. Dev. Dyn. 224, 432-440.

Jonathan Delafield-Butt

  • Delafield-Butt, J.T. 2009. Containment as a Psychobiological Principle. in Dibben (Ed.) Applied Process Thought II. Frankfurt, Paris, Lancaster: ontos verlag.
  • Delafield-Butt, J.T. 2008. Perceptuomotor Units and Ontological Units.  in Koutroufinis, S. (Ed.) Life and Process. Frankfurt, Paris, Lancaster: ontos verlag
  • Delafield-Butt, J.T. 2008. Biology.  in Weber, M., Seibt, J., and Rescher, N (Eds.) Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought. Frankfurt, Paris, Lancaster: ontos verlag
  • Delafield-Butt, J.T. 2007 Towards a process ontology of organism: explaining behaviour in a cell. in Kelly, T. and Dibben, M. (Eds.) Applied Process Thought: Frontiers of Theory & Research, Frankfurt, Paris, Lancaster: ontos verlag
  • Zaki, P.A., Martynoga, B., Delafield-Butt, J.T., and Price, D.J. 2005 Loss of Gli3 enhances viability of embryonic telencephalic cells in vitro. European Journal of Neuroscience 22: 1547-1551

David Edwards

  • “Control of the cell elongation-division cycle by shuttling of PBP1 protein in Bacillus subtilis.” Claessen D, Emmins R, Hamoen LW, Daniel RA, Errington J, & Edwards D.H. Molecular Microbiology (2008) 68(4):1029-46.
  • “The Bacillus subtilis DivIVA protein has a sporulation-specific proximity to Spo0J.”
    Perry, S. E., & Edwards D.H. Journal of Bacteriology (2006) 188:6039-43.
  • “Promiscuous targeting of B. subtilis cell division protein DivIVA to division sites in E. coli and fission yeast." Edwards D.H., Thomaides H., & Errington J.Embo J, (2000). 19(11): p.2719-27.
  • "Polar localization of the MinD protein of Bacillus subtilis & its role in selection of the midcell division site "Marston A.L., Thomaides H.; Edwards D.H., Sharp M.E., & Errington J.Genes & Development (1998) 12:3419-3430.

Joe Hamill

  • Seay, J.F., Haddad, J.M., Van Emmerik, R.E.A., Hamill, J. (2006). Coordination variability around the walk to run transition during human locomotion. Motor Control 10(2):178-196.
  • Van Emmerik, R.E.A., Rosenstein, M.T., McDermott, W.J., Hamill, J. Nonlinear Dynamical Approaches to Human Movement.(2004). Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 20:396-420.
  • Peters, B. T., Haddad, J. M., Heiderscheit, B. C., Van Emmerik, R. E. A., Hamill, J. (2003).Limitations in the use and interpretation of continuous relative phase. Journal of Biomechanics 36:271-274.
  • Hamill, J., Haddad, J.M., McDermott, W.J. (2000).Issues in quantifying variability from a dynamical systems perspective. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 16:409-420.
  • Whittlesey, S. N., Van Emmerik, R. E. A., Hamill, J. (2000).The swing phase of human walking is not a passive movement. Motor Control, 4(3):273-292.
  • Hamill, J., van Emmerik, R. E. A., Heiderscheit, B. C., Li, L. (1999). A dynamical systems approach to the investigation of lower extremity running injuries. Clinical Biomechanics 14(5):297-308.

Claes von Hofsten

  • von Hofsten, C and Rosander, K. (1997) Development of smooth pursuit tracking in young infants. Vision Research, 37, 1799-1810.
  • von Hofsten, C. (1982). Eye-hand coordination in newborns. Developmental Psychology , 18, 450-461.
  • von Hofsten, C. & Lee, D. N. (1982). Dialogue on perception and action. Human Movement Science, 1, 125-138.

Flavio Keller

  • Biamonte F., Assenza G., Marino R., D’Amelio M, Panteri R., Caruso D., Scurati S., Garcia Yague J., Garcia-Segura L.M., Cesa R., Strata P., Melcangi R.C., Keller F. (2009) Interactions between neuroactive steroids and reelin haploinsufficiency in Purkinje cell survival. Neurobiology of Disease 36:103-115.
  • Halladay AK, Amaral D, Aschner M, Bolivar VJ, Bowman A, Dicicco-Bloom E, Hyman SL, Keller F, Lein P, Pessah I, Restifo L, Threadgill DW (2009) Animal models of autism spectrum disorders: Information for neurotoxicologists. Neurotoxicology. 2009 Jul 9. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Ammassari-Teule M., Sgobio C., Biamonte F., Marrone C., Mercuri N., Keller, F. (2009) Reelin haploinsufficiency reduces the density of PV+ neurons in circumscribed regions of the striatum and selectively alters striatal-based behaviors. Psychopharmacology 204: 511-521.
  • Laviola G., Ognibene E., Adriani W., Romano E., Keller F. (2008) Gene-environment interaction during early development in the heterozygous reeler mouse: Clues for modelling of major neurobehavioral syndromes. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 33:560-572.
  • Cavallo C., Campolo D., Keller F., Guglielmelli G. (2008) A modular platform for in-plane Ground Reaction Forces detection in mouse model: design, development and verification, Advanced Robotics 22, 141-157.
  • Keller F. and Persico A.M. (2003) The neurobiological context of autism. Mol Neurobiol. 28, 1-22.
  • Persico A.M., D’Agruma L., Maiorano N., Totaro A., Militerni R., Bravaccio C., Wassink T.H., Schneider C., Melmed R., Trillo S., Montecchi F., Palermo M., Pascucci T., Puglisi-Allegra S., Reichelt K.L., Conciatori M., Marino R., Quattrocchi C.C., Baldi A., Zelante L., Gasparini P., and Keller F. (2001) Reelin gene alleles and haplotypes as a factor predisposing to autistic disorder. Mol. Psych. 6,150-159.

James Lackner

  • Lackner JR, DiZio P. (2009). Control and calibration of multi-segment reaching movements. Adv Exp Med Biol, 629:681-698.
  • Bortolami SB, Rocca S, DiZio P, Lackner JR. (2006). Mechanisms of human static spatial orientation.  Exp Brain Res, 173:374-388.
  • Lackner JR, DiZio P. (2000).Aspects of body self-calibration. Trends in Cognitive Science, 4: 279-288.

David Lee

  • Lee, D. N. (2009). General Tau Theory: evolution to date. Special Issue: Landmarks in Perception. Perception, 38, 837-858.
  • Craig, C. M. & Lee, D. N. (1999). Neonatal control of nutritive sucking pressure: evidence for an intrinsic t-guide. Experimental Brain Research, 124, 371-382.
  • Lee, D. N. (1998) Guiding movement by coupling taus. Ecological Psychology, 10, 221-250. PDF
  • Van der Meer, A. L. H., Van der Weel, F. R., & Lee, D. N. (1995). The functional significance of arm movements in neonates. Science, 267, 693-695.
  • Lee, D. N., Davies, M. N. O., Green, P. R., & van der Weel, F. R. (1993). Visual control of velocity of approach by pigeons when landing. Journal of Experimental Biology, 180, 85-104.
  • Lee, D. N., van der Weel, F. R., Hitchcock, T., Matejowski, E., Holmes, P., & Pettigrew, J. D. (1992). Common principles of guidance by echolocation and vision. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 171, 563-571.
  • Warren, W. H. Jr., Young, D. S. & Lee, D. N. (1986). Visual control of step length during running over irregular terrain. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 12, 259-266.
  • Lee, D. N., Young, D. S., Reddish, P. E., Lough, S. & Clayton, T. M. H. (1983) Visual timing in hitting an accelerating ball. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 35A, 333-346.
  • Hofsten, C. von & Lee, D. N. (1982). Dialogue on perception and action. Human Movement Science, 1, 125-138.
  • Lee, D. N. & Reddish, P. E. (1981). Plummeting gannets: a paradigm of ecological optics. Nature, 293:, 293-294.
  • Lee, D. N. (1980). The optic flow-field: the foundation of vision. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London B, 290: 169-179. PDF
  • Lee, D. N. (1976). A theory of visual control of braking based on information about time to collision. Perception , 5, 437-459.
  • Lee, D. N. & Lishman, J. R. (1975). Vision – the most efficient source of information for balance control. Agressologie, 18, 83-94.

Colin McCaig

  • Yao, L., McCaig, C.D. & Zhao, M. (2009). Electrical signals direct neuron migration, neuron division and polarize neuronal organelles. Hippocampus (in press).
  • Pu, J., McCaig, C.D, Cao, L.,Zhao, Z., Segall, J.E. and Zhao, M. (2007). EGF Receptor Signaling Is Essential For Electric Field Directed Migration Of Breast Cancer Cells. J Cell Science 120, 3395-3403.
  • Zhao, M., Song, B., Pu, J., Wada, T., Reid, B., Tai, G., Wang, F., Guo, A., Walczysko, P., Gu, Y., Sasaki, T., Suzuki, A., Forrester, J.V., Bourne, H., Devreotes, P., McCaig, C.D. & Penninger, J. (2006). Electrical signals control wound healing via phosphatidyl –3 kinase g and PTEN. Nature 442, 457-460.
  • McCaig, C.D. Rajnicek, A.M., Song, B. Song, B.& Zhao, M. (2005). Controlling cell behaviour electrically: Current views and future potential. Physiological Reviews 85, 943-978.
  • Song, B., Zhao, M., Forrester, J.V. & McCaig, C.D. (2004). Nerves are guided and nerve sprouting is stimulated by a naturally occurring electrical field in vivo. J Cell Sci 117, 4681-4690.
  • Song, B., Zhao, M., Forrester, J.V. & McCaig, C.D. (2002). Electrical cues regulate the orientation and frequency of cell division and the rate of wound healing in vivo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 13577-13582. 
  • Zhao, M. Forrester, J.V. & McCaig, C.D. (1999). Physiological electric fields orient the axis of cell division. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 96, 4942-4946.
  • Zhao, M., Dick, A., Forrester, J.V. & McCaig, C.D. (1999). Fibronectin and laminin enhance electric field-directed migration of corneal epithelial cells by a mechanism involving upregulation and cathodal redistribution of EGF receptors. Mol. Biol. Cell 10, 1259-1276. 
  • McCaig, C.D. (1987). Spinal neurite reabsorption and regrowth in vitro depend on the polarity of an applied electric field. Development 100, 31-41.
  • Hinkle, L. McCaig, C.D. & Robinson, K.R. (1981). The direction of growth of differentiating neurones and myoblasts from frog embryos in an applied electric field. J. Physiol. 314, 121-135.

Audrey van der Meer

  • Kayed, N.S. & Van der Meer, A.L.H. (2009). A longitudinal study of prospective control in catching by full-term and preterm infants. Experimental Brain Research, 194, 245-258.
  •  Van der Meer, A.L.H., Ramstad, M. & Van der Weel, F.R. (2008). Choosing the shortest way to mum: Auditory guided rotation in 6- to 9-month-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 31, 207-216.
  • Van der Meer, A.L.H., Fallet, G. & Van der Weel, F.R. (2008). Perception of structured optic flow and random visual motion in infants and adults: A high-density EEG study. Experimental Brain Research, 186, 493-502.
  • Kayed, N.S. & Van der Meer, A.L.H. (2007).  Infants’ timing strategies to optical collisions: A longitudinal study. Infant Behavior and Development, 30, 50-59.
  • Van der Meer, A.L.H. & Husby, Å. (2006). Handedness as a major determinant of functional cradling bias. Laterality, 11 (3), 263-276.
  • Van der Meer, A.L.H., Holden, G. & Van der Weel, F.R. (2005). Coordination of sucking, swallowing, and breathing in healthy newborns. Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology, 2, 69-72.
  • Van der Meer, A.L.H. (1997). Keeping the arm in the limelight: Advanced visual control of arm movements in neonates. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 4, 103-108. 
  • Van der Meer, A.L.H., Van der Weel, F.R. & Lee, D.N. (1995). The functional significance of arm movements in neonates. Science, 267, 693-695. 
  • Van der Meer, A.L.H., Van der Weel, F.R. & Lee, D.N. (1994). Prospective control in catching by infants. Perception, 23, 287-302.

Gert-Jan Pepping

  • Pepping, G.-J., & Li, F.-X. (2008).   The role of haptic exploration of ground surface information in perception of overhead reachability. Journal of Motor Behavior 40(6), 491-498.
  • Pepping, G.-J., & Grealy, M. (Eds.) (2007). Closing the Gap: The Scientific Writings of David N. Lee. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Craig, C. M., Pepping, G.-J., & Grealy, M. A. (2005). Intercepting beats in pre-designated target zones. Experimental Brain Research, 165, 490-504.
  • Pepping, G.-J., & Li, F.-X. (2005). Effects of response mode on reaction time in the detection of affordances. Motor Control, 9, 129-143.
  • Abott, A., Button, C., Pepping, G.-J., Collins, D. (2005). Unnatural selection: Talent identification and development in sport. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology & Life Sciences, 9, 61-88.
  • Button, C. & Pepping, G.-J. (2002). Enhancing skill acquisition in golf - Some key principles. Internet article:
  • Pepping, G.-J., & Li, F.-X. (2000). Sex differences and action scaling in overhead reaching. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 90, 1123-1129.
  • Pepping, G.-J., & Li, F.-X. (2000). Changing action capabilities and the perception of affordances in volleyball. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 39, 115-140.
  • Pepping, G.-J., & Li, F.-X. (1997). Perceiving action boundaries in the volleyball block. In M. A. Schmuckler & J. M. Kennedy (Eds.), Studies in Perception and Action IV (pp. 137-140). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Kerstin Rosander

  • Rosander, K. (2007) Visual tracking and its relationship to cortical development. In von Hofsten, C. & Rosander, K. (Eds.) Progress in Brain Research: From Action to Cognition., 164,105-22. Review. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Rosander, K., Nyström, P., Gredeback, G., and von Hofsten, C. (2007). Cortical processing of visual motion in young infants, Vision Research, 47,614-623.
  • Von Hofsten C., Kochukhova, O, and Rosander, K. (2007). Predictive tracking over occlusions by 4-month-old infants,  Developmental Science, 10, 625-640.
  • Rosander, K. and von Hofsten, C. (2004). Infant’s emerging ability to represent object motion. Cognition, 91, 1-22
  • Rosander, K. and von Hofsten, C. (2002). Development of gaze tracking of small and large objects. Exp. Brain Research, 146, 256-264.
  • Witherington, D., von Hofsten, C., Rosander, K., Robinette, K., Woollacott, M., and Berthental, B. (2002). The development of anticipatory postural adjustments in infancy.  Infancy, 3, 495-517.
  • Rosander, K. and von Hofsten, C. (2000) Visual-vestibular interaction in early infancy. Exp. Brain Research, 133, 321-333.
  • von Hofsten, C. Vishton, P., Spelke, E., Feng, Q., and Rosander, K. (1998). Predictive action in infancy. Tracking and reaching for moving objects. Cognition, 67, 255-285.
  • von Hofsten, C. and Rosander, K. (1997). Development of smooth pursuit tracking in young infants. Vision Research, 37, 1799-1810.
  • von Hofsten, C., and Rosander, K. (1996). The development of gaze control and predictive tracking in young infants. Vision Research. 36, 81-96.

James Simmons

  • Saillant, P. A., Simmons, J. A., Bouffard, F. H., Lee, D. N., and Dear, D. S. (2007) Biosonar signals impinging on the target during interception by big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus.  J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121, 3001-3010.
  • Simmons, J. A. (2005). “Big brown bats and June beetles: multiple pursuit strategies in a seasonal acoustic predator-prey system.”  Acoustics Research Letters Online, 6, 238-242.

Thomas Stoffregen

  • Dong, X., Yoshida, K., & Stoffregen, T. A. (2011). Control of a virtual vehicle influences postural activity and motion sickness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, in press.
  • Mayo, A. M., Wade, M. G., & Stoffregen, T. A. (2011). Postural effects of the horizon on land and at sea. Psychological Science, 22, 118-124.
  • Yu, Y., Bardy, B., G., & Stoffregen, T. A. (2011). Influences of head and torso movement before and during affordance perception. Journal of Motor Behavior, 43, 45-54.
  • Mantel, B., Bardy, B. G., & Stoffregen, T. A. (2010). Locomotor assessment of whether an object is reachable. Ecological Psychology, 22, 192-211.
  • Stoffregen, T. A., Yoshida, K., Villard, S., Scibora, L., & Bardy, B. G. (2010). Stance width influences postural stability and motion sickness. Ecological Psychology, 22, 169-191.
  • Yu, Y., Yank, J. R., Katsumata, Y., Villard, S., Kennedy, R. S., & Stoffregen, T. A. (2010). Visual vigilance performance and standing posture at sea. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 81, 375-382.
  • Chang, C.-H., Wade, M. G., & Stoffregen, T. A. (2009). Perceiving affordances for aperture passage in an environment-person-person system. Journal of Motor Behavior, 41, 495-500.
  • Stoffregen, T. A., Villard, S., Kim, C., Ito, K., & Bardy, B. G. (2009). Coupling of head and body movement with motion of the audible environment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 35, 1221-1231.
  • Stoffregen, T. A., Hove, P., Bardy, B. G., Riley, M. A., Bonnet, C. T. (2007). Postural stabilization of perceptual but not cognitive performance. Journal of Motor Behavior, 39, 126-138.
  • Prado, J. M., Stoffregen, T. A., & Duarte, M. (2007). Postural sway during dual tasks in young and elderly adults. Gerontology, 53, 274-281.

Colwyn Trevarthen

  • Trevarthen, C. (2009). Human biochronology: on the source and functions of ‘musicality’. In R. Haas and V. Brandes, (eds.), Music That Works: Contributions of biology, neurophysiology, psychology, sociology, medicine and musicology, Chapter 18, Vienna/New York: Springer. (Proceedings of the Mozart & Science Conference "Wie Musik wirkt" (The Impact of Music), Organised by the International Music and Art Research Association Austria, 1 – 4 October 2006, Baden near Vienna, Austria.)
  • Trevarthen, C., Aitken, K. J., Vandekerckhove , M., Delafield-Butt, J. & Nagy, E. (2006). Collaborative regulations of vitality in early childhood: Stress in intimate relationships and postnatal psychopathology. In D.  Cicchetti & D. J. Cohen (Eds.) Developmental Psychopathology, Volume 2 Developmental Neuroscience, Second Edition.  New York: Wileys, Chapter 2, pp. 65-126.
  • Trevarthen, C. & Daniel, S. (2005). Rhythm and synchrony in early development, and signs of autism and Rett syndrome in infancy. Brain and Development, 27: S25 - S34. (Supplement 1 to Volume 27, November 2005).

Martine Verheul

  • Verheul, M.H.G. & Geuze, R.H. (2004). Bimanual coordination and musical experience: the role of intrinsic dynamics and behavioral information. Motor Control, 8, 270-291.
  • Verheul, M.H.G. & Geuze, R. H. (2003). ‘Side-effects’: intrinsic and task-induced asymmetry in bimanual rhythmic coordination. Experimental Brain Research, 152, 185-197.

Ruud van der Weel

  • Van der Meer, A.L.H., Fallet, G. & Van der Weel, F.R. (2008). Perception of structured optic flow and random visual motion in infants and adults: A high-density EEG study. Experimental Brain Research, 186, 493-502.
  • Aanondsen, Ch.M., Van der Meer, A.L.H., Brubakk, A.-M., Evensen, K.A.I., Skranes, J.S., Myhr, G. & Van der Weel, F.R. (2007). Differentiating prospective control information for catching in prematurely born VLBW, full-term SGA, and full-term AGA control adolescents. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 49, 112-116.
  • Van der Meer, A.L.H., Holden, G. & Van der Weel, F.R. (2005). Coordination of sucking, swallowing, and breathing in healthy newborns. Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology, 2, 69-72.
  • Van der Meer, A.L.H. & Van der Weel, F.R. (1999).  Development of perception in action in healthy and at-risk children. Acta Paediatrica (Supplement), 88, 29-36.
  • Van der Weel, F.R., Van der Meer, A.L.H. & Lee, D.N. (1996). Measuring dysfunction of basic movement control in cerebral palsy. Human Movement Science, 15, 253-283. PDF
  • Van der Meer, A.L.H., Van der Weel, F.R. & Lee, D.N. (1996). Lifting weights in neonates: Developing visual control of reaching. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 37, 424-436.
  • Van der Meer, A.L.H., Van der Weel, F.R., Lee, D.N., Laing, I.A. & Lin, J.-P. (1995). Development of prospective control of catching moving objects in preterm at-risk infants. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 37, 145-158.
  • Van der Meer, A.L.H., Van der Weel, F.R. & Lee, D.N. (1995). The functional significance of arm movements in neonates. Science, 267, 693-695.
  • Van der Meer, A.L.H., Van der Weel, F.R. & Lee, D.N. (1994). Prospective control in catching by infants. Perception, 23, 287-302.
  • Van der Weel, F.R., Van der Meer, A.L.H. & Lee, D.N. (1991). Effect of task on movement control in cerebral palsy: Implications for assessment and control. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 33, 419-426.